Coffeehouse Cleverness, Competence, and Courage
It was another Coffeehouse and another amazing (and entertaining) success. The quality of Coffeehouse just seems to expand with the universe, and this one was far better than advertised with a mix of performances that ran the gamut from the ridiculous to the sublime. This year’s theme was “A Celebration of Cleverness, Competence, and/or Courage.”
Cleverness: Some of the acts were indeed very, very, clever. Eva’s performance art piece (Click to Add Title) put the “avant” in avant-garde because it was way beyond anything, anything, performed at GWCS in recent history. Similarly, Jack D’s alter-ego, Franklin S. Q. Ives-Cohen, regaled us with original poetry in original poetic form (Franklinian Duometer).
Competence: All performers demonstrated competence in their roles or performances. These included Emma’s (Emcee extraordinaire), Edward’s (paper magic), Olivia’s (delightful chanteuse), Jonathan’s (ivory tickler), Julia’s (I got a song to sing), Evelyn’s (dead skunk), Nicholas’ (the bard), Conner’s (original comic), Lizzie’s (this is my final GWCS Coffeehouse), and Luke’s (bass slapper).
Courage: Performing in front of any audience – even one as supportive and forgiving as the GWCS community – requires loads of courage, especially for first time performers (Emma, Edward, Olivia, Jonathan, Julia, and Eva).
Congratulations to all performers (faculty as well as students) for demonstrating sparkle and shine, guts and gumption. You made our Coffeehouse a great success. Just remember there would be no show without you.
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GW Community School
Annual Coffeehouse
Dr. Steve Garon, Teacher
May 15, 2019